Feeling Lonely? Feeling Depressed? Candlelight In-Person and Zoom Meeting
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If you are experiencing isolation, fear, anger, or low self-esteem you may be suffering from depression. Depression is not a passing blue mood, which almost everyone experiences from time to time, but a complex mind/body illness that interferes with everyday functioning.
Depression Anonymous is a support group where people with similar needs can generate new positive energies from networks of friendship and support, and give each other the strength to live each new day with hope.
Can't attend the In-Person meeting? Here's the link for the Zoom meeting : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87477462792?pwd=eDNJL014aHVnT0hPWk5IZ3BFR0Jrdz09
Depression Anonymous Los Angeles
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6666 Green Valley Cir · Culver City, CA
Feeling Lonely? Feeling Depressed? Candlelight In-Person and Zoom Meeting