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Empowering Highly Sensitive Souls: Energy Healing for Depression & Anxiety

Photo of Salome
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Empowering Highly Sensitive Souls: Energy Healing for Depression & Anxiety


Welcome to our supportive community for highly sensitive people facing depression and anxiety challenges!

My intention is to provide a safe space where we will meet once a month, in which I will host a free class, where I facilitate a unique teaching tailored to the pain and root causes of depression and anxiety across the whole body (mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.)

In the upcoming event, we will explore energy healing techniques and coping strategies to manage the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Join us in zoom:
Meeting ID: 319 027 3750
Passcode: 5v9kRZHide

Photo of Depression and Anxiety Struggles? Join Our Resilience Tribe! group
Depression and Anxiety Struggles? Join Our Resilience Tribe!
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