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What we’re about

Whether you're running GNU/Linux as your desktop operating system or interested in doing so, this Meetup is for you. Our goal is to create an environment that's welcoming, fun, and educational.

A paradox...

    The argument for open source ("free" as in speech) software is stronger than ever.

    GNU/Linux has been wildly successful in the server market.

    Desktop GNU/Linux operating systems like Ubuntu provide a rich end-user experience on par or better than commercial rivals in many respects.

...Yet the uptake of using GNU/Linux as an end-user (desktop/laptop) operating system still lags. This Meetup aims to end that by:

1. Creating a community of GNU/Linux on the desktop enthusiasts.

2. Providing a venue where GNU/Linux questions can get asked by users of all levels.

3. Fostering GNU/Linux on the desktop evangelism. Let's spread the word!

We welcome long time GNU/Linux enthusiasts, those who've heard of GNU/Linux but aren't even sure what it is, and everyone in between. Join us!

We're part of BLU! BLU is the Boston Linux & Unix User Group and has been meeting actively since 1994.  BLU does a fantastic job of covering topics across the broad spectrum of GNU/Linux, from technical topics to end-user topics.  I'm excited that BLU has invited our group to become a sub- group of theirs.  This gives us tremendous support from more experienced users and allows us to coordinate events.  As a sub- group, we aim to focus on using GNU/Linux on the desktop and attracting new and less technical users to the platform.  To learn more about BLU, please visit http://www.

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