Discussion and Debate
If you are looking to engage in some meaningful discussions and learn from people from across the political and ideological spectrums, then come to our discussion and debate meeting. Everyone is welcome, feel comfortable expressing your opinion but also try to understand why others feel differently than you.
Let's be kind, respect others' points of view, and respect the time allocated for speaking to allow everyone to talk. The chat will be disabled so we can all concentrate on the topics at hand. If you have any additional comments or a reference link put it in the meeting comments.
Please include any topics you would like to discuss in the comments section of the meetup meeting. Anything that comes to mind is fine.
We will start the meeting with 2-minute introductions so we know a little bit about yourself and what topics you would like to discuss. We will vote to choose which topics we would like to discuss.
When you would like to speak, raise your electronic hand and wait to be called on. We'll be taking turns, occasionally people who didn't speak often will be given priority. You will have 3 minutes to express your opinion. I will put up a yellow background when you hit the 2 ½ minute mark, to wrap up your thoughts, and a red background when time is up.
Turn your camera on and keep your mic muted while not speaking, if you can.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Cheers, George
Discussion and Debate