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Buddhism 101: What is the purpose of life?

Photo of Betty
Hosted By
Betty and Luigi
Buddhism 101:  What is the purpose of life?


Hi, our Dharma friends!
Welcome to the gateway to Buddhism 101 for all! Our Purpose Lab meeting is a friendly get-together of like-minded people to learn about “What is our life’s purpose and meaning?” in Buddhism.
Our weekly “intro to Buddhism” meetup group is open to all! No experience in Buddhism is necessary. Each week we prepare a Dharma presentation for you all on that week’s Buddhism topic, followed by Q&A. We kick off each meeting with some introductions and short ice-breaking so that you get to know the other members of our sangha community! We have a good mix of regulars and newbies each meeting.
The first 20 minutes I'd like to get to know who is joining our zoom session so please have your camera on. After that, we will record our presentation and Q&A and upload to YouTube for the public. Thank you for your understanding.
Our classes are free but our classes & sangha are sustained completely by the dana gratitude contributions of people like you! Dana gratitude donations for our classes are gratefully accepted at Suggested donation for the event is $5 - $20.
Check out our YouTube channel at!
To better explain the philosophy behind Purpose Lab (our weekly Friday events, focusing on our life’s purpose and meaning):
In Buddhism, our life’s purpose is a long-term mission.

  1. We all have our purpose in life, which energizes us to move on.
  2. Our ultimate goal is different from our short-term goals or mid-term goals in life, such as marriage, landing a job, forming a family, or retirement.
  3. If we think about our mortality and impermanence of life, minor issues become less important, and we feel an urgency to accomplish our real purpose.
  4. It is helpful to have friends and family members who can support us as we travel through this Saha world of suffering toward our destination.
  5. Practicing compassion and kindness to such good people is important.
  6. We all have shared imperfections, and sometimes we hurt each other because we are human and are fallible. Self-reflection can help us move through such troubled times. Remember, we’re all in this together, we are all struggling, and we are all suffering.
  7. Buddha said the purpose of this journey is to find genuine happiness that overcomes life’s sufferings.
  8. The eight universal sufferings taught by the Buddha are: birth ( life), aging, sickness, death, separation from the beloved, encountering the despised, and being of the flesh (our body). This last suffering contains all the other sufferings.
  9. When we practice Six Paramitas (our daily practices), our good efforts will be rewarded. Good people will be drawn to us and be a source of support. It might take some time but no effort is wasted. Some seeds take time to bear fruit.
  10. When we know our purpose – self transcendence – we can overcome our limitations, the obstacles in our way, and the pain we suffer on our journey.
  11. Self transcendence is to forget the desire for instant gratification and remember those people who will benefit from our effort, and to be grateful for the people who have been supporting us.
  12. If you don’t have such people please make an effort to find at least one such person. And of course, by coming to this meet-up you will be a part of our sangha community!

If you're interested in learning Buddhism but have a schedule conflict, please write to me for a one on one session.

  1. Also please note that we're going to livestream this zoom session on YouTube for later access by our premium members. There will be an announcement from the Zoom app when it starts.
  2. We would appreciate it if you use the same name as your Meetup account so that the host of the meeting will easily recognize the participants.
  3. Please make sure you RSVP 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting.
  4. Our classes are free but our classes & sangha are sustained completely by the dana gratitude contributions of people like you! Dana gratitude donations for our classes are gratefully accepted at . Suggested donation for the event is $5 - $20.

The Zoom meeting passcode is 426646. We have about 10-20 people join us each week, including the regulars, so hope you don't get discouraged by seeing the few RSVPs here on this page. See you soon too!!!
We are looking forward to meeting fellow truth-seekers such as yourself, interested in the path to discovering their life’s purpose and meaning!
Bita and Yuichi Asakura

Photo of Detroit Buddhism for Beginners Meetup Group group
Detroit Buddhism for Beginners Meetup Group
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