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What we’re about

DFW Catholic Singles Network is a Catholic lay run organization that introduces Catholic men and women, to one another, in a safe positive environment. We are rooted in our common faith, positive values, and our common interests. We cater to the single Catholic community:  (single-never married, single-divorced, single-annulled, and single-widowed).  

We exist to provide opportunities for Catholic Singles in the Dallas- Fort Worth Dioceses (AKA: Metroplex / North Texas) to meet and form friendships while enjoying social, spiritual, and charitable activities. We host dinner parties, pot lucks, dining out,  house parties, happy hours, mixers, holiday events, networking, movie nights, game nights, BBQ’s, picnics, outdoor activities, Catholic faith studies/teaching programs, group mass attendance, prayer chain support, and volunteer/service opportunities.  Our events are intended to be fun, entertaining, and inspiring and provide opportunities to build friendships that last.  We hope that people take away a deep sense of camaraderie and unity as we help to create new lasting friendships and healthy Catholic connections.

We encourage everyone to plug in and be an active Steward at their local parishes. The local parish is where we get our daily and weekly spiritual needs met. Get involved in the daily life of that local Catholic community, and mingle with us for those needs not being met at the parish level.

What are you waiting for?  Sign up, tell a friend, and come join us as we venture through life together.  We welcome you.  Life is not about the destination BUT the journey.  There are many Catholic Singles ready to meet each other!