What we’re about
Please read all of the following information!
This community is focused on healthy, long-lasting friendships and shared learning. The purpose of this group is to bring together families in the Contra Costa County and surrounding areas to build friendships, a support network, and cooperative learning opportunities.
Our Code of Conduct: Because we have a multi-age group, we remind all families, especially the older children, that they are influencing the younger crowd and so we ask that they act appropriately. Our group does not allow name-calling, or destructive/disrespectful behavior. We are building a community of friends, and we expect that everyone acts in a respectful way (this pertains to children and adults).
Who are we? We are a group of families who share a passion for teaching our children through homeschooling. Our group is focused on school aged children (K-12), but younger siblings are welcome. We believe that children of all ages socializing together is a part of healthy development.
What do we do? We have weekly park days in the Contra Costa County areas. Additionally, we have monthly Mom's Night Out and sometimes extend that to Parents' Night Out and Family Fun Nights. It is our goal to have other activities such as nature walks, movie nights, even co-op learning groups available for families to participate in. Families may participate in any and all events but are welcome to opt out of any that don't meet their family's needs or interests. We do require that all families attend a MINIMUM of one park day per month. This ensures building strong, lasting friendships.
When do we meet? We get together every Thursday at 10 A.M. in the summer and 10:30 A.M. in the winter for weekly park day play groups. Additional events will be scheduled at various times.
Where do we meet? For most events we meet somewhere in the East and Central areas of Contra Costa County. We alternate between both sides of the country every week to accommodate for all of our families. We may occasionally schedule field trips that are outside of the county as well.
How can your family participate? Join our group! We are always looking to make great connections for children and parents - the more the merrier! Send us a request to join and tell us a little bit about your family. Then come to a meetup and start making connections!
Membership fees - We do require all families to pay membership fees of $10 per family for the year. For all new incoming families, you will have a 3-month probationary period to check out our group, make new friendships and discover if our group is a good fit for your family. At the end of that 3-month period, new families are required to pay the membership dues to stay active members.
***Please note that all prospective members must first meet with the organizers at an event within 30 days of applying before membership requests are approved. Once you submit your information to join you will be contacted by one of our organizers with upcoming event information to attend. Please make sure to check your Meetup Messages so you don't miss out!***