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Awaken the Light Within You with SEES Thunder and Allies

Photo of Diane Broussard
Hosted By
Diane B.
Awaken the Light Within You with SEES Thunder and Allies


## Details

Join us at the Diamond Springs Center for a "Special" 4 hour event with Stargate, See's Thunder and Allies. Awaken The Light Within You!
Sunday October 13, 2024 12-4pm Cost: $33
We will begin the day opening the Stargate and inviting in all the beings to join us.
Then See's Thunder and his guides will take us on a Spiritual Journey through each layer of ourselves!
See's Thunder will be bringing in High Dimensional energies and deep Shamanic currents, we will release old paradigms, and shift to higher realities!
Come ready with your intention, open heart, mind and spirit and allow the energies to move through you as you take part in the collective healing and shift to New Earth higher frequencies!
Bring: Water in a closed container, a journal, a pen, your crystal allies and blankets as we will be settling in for this experience.
You can pay at the door, Or reserve your place by Contacting Shari
[email protected] (916) 539-1605
offering $33

Photo of Diamond Springs Center of Healing Arts and Training group
Diamond Springs Center of Healing Arts and Training
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