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Say Goodbye to 2024! But Happy 2025! At Sam & Luca for Dinner

Photo of Jackie Baltas
Hosted By
Jackie B.
Say Goodbye to 2024!  But Happy 2025!  At Sam & Luca for Dinner


Yes, I am already thinking ahead to New Year's! Yes, I plan my Meetups way in advance! So what! I like to have something to look forward to! Don't you?

With all that said, if you want to join Bill and I for dinner to say our goodbyes to 2024, then join us at Sam and Luca's tasty restaurant. You will also need to do me a favor and since we are a good looking Meetup group, you need to DRESS UP for this one. Dress to impress! No jeans, polos, yoga pants, tee shirts, you know what I mean. Let's dust off the nicer clothes that would make our parents proud of us.

Photo of Diners, Drive In and Dives  AZ group
Diners, Drive In and Dives AZ
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Sam and Luca Rustic Kitchen
1959 South Power Road · Mesa, az
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