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About This Event tickets can be purchased here

Do you find yourself yelling at your kids and then walking away thinking, "That wasn't how it was supposed to go"?
Do you feel frustrated with your child's behavior, but feel lost as to how to support him/her?
Are you unsure of how to assist a child you’re working with—whether in a school or care setting?
Do you feel like you’re falling back into old methods—such as time-outs and punitive measures—simply because you’re exhausted and don’t know what else to do?

Parents, educators, caregivers, and others will discover how discipline affects children’s development, why our reactions to children’s behavior should reinforce connection rather than introduce more upset, and why the disciplinary strategies that may have been used on us as children are not the ones children really need.

In addition, you’ll learn:

How the concept of “childhood” has been understood historically and why we must understand it anew today.
The basic and impactful truth behind Dr. Vanessa’s mantra “See it, feel it, be it.”
The foundation of a healthy, effective approach to discipline that respects a child’s developmental needs and works.
Dr. Vanessa Lapointe is a mom, parenting educator, best-selling author, international speaker, and a regularly invited media guest. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology and practiced as a psychologist for nearly 20 years before devoting her full-time energy to connecting with parents and other “big people” around the globe in 2023. Founder of The North Star Developmental Clinic, Dr. Vanessa has long been supporting families and children in her developmental clinic alongside her team. She also has experience in community mental health and the school system. Known for bringing a sense of nurturing understanding and humanity to all of her work, Dr. Vanessa’s passion is in walking alongside parents, teachers, care providers, and other big people to really see the world through the child’s eyes. She believes that if we can do this, we are beautifully positioned to grow our children in the best possible way.
tickets can be purchased here

This live, in-person event will begin at 9 AM on September 21st at the Roderick Mah Center for Continuous Learning in Calgary, AB. Dr. Vanessa will include time for a live question and answer period with attendees, which is always her favorite part. Coffee/tea and treats will be provided. Group discounts and Professional Development certificates are available upon request.

Send your questions or inquiries to [email protected]

Take a peak at Dr Vanessa speaking LIVE below!
tickets can be purchased here

Upcoming events (1)

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  • Dr Vanessa Lapointe's Discipline Without Damage Workshop
    Needs location
    • Photo of Dr Vanessa Lapointe