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EXCELlent Toastmasters

Photo of Timothy Marlar
Hosted By
Timothy M.
EXCELlent Toastmasters


Due to the COVID rules In Sedgwick County, we are meeting online Via Zoom, if you would like to participate

Email: [email protected] and you will be provided the login Instructions. If you would like to attend email Welcome to EXCELlent. Toastmaster #9177.

The EXCELlent Toastmasters Club was established on January 1, 1993. We meet The heart of Wichita every Thursday (excluding outstanding holidays or weather-related cancellations) from 12;05 pm to 1:05 pm.

Are you interested in learning how to communicate better with your boss, employees, clients, children, and/or spouse? Guests are always welcome!

Our club provides a supportive and nurturing learning environment in which to improve your communication skills, develop and practice your leadership skills, plus MAKE FRIENDS and HAVE FUN while you are learning.

Toastmasters is the best-kept secret of many successful entrepreneurs, political leaders, teachers, trainers, and a host of companies that realize the cost-effectiveness of the excellent communication and leadership training that Toastmasters provides. Find out for yourself what Toastmasters can do for you - visit us!

Photo of Toastmasters District 22 group
Toastmasters District 22
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Every week on Thursday

Sedgwick County Health Department
1900 E 9th St N · Wichita, KS
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location