A total ALIGNMENT and BALANCE of the CHAKRA energy centers. It is unlike anything you have ever experienced before. This sacred experience is NOT a regular sound bath. I am intuitively guided by DIVINE universal energy to stimulate each CHAKRA center into balance and alignment. By using crystal singing bowls, crystals, and special instruments, I am able to attune each individual person, according to the state of their own CHAKRAS. If your CHAKRAS are over-stimulated or under-stimulated this can cause problems in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Our goal is to balance, cleanse and attune these energy centers so that you can live a more balanced and harmonious life.
It is suggested to do the AURA & CHAKRA ENERGY READING in combination with the Balancing.
Join us at our studio for your CHAKRA BALANCE. Please message to confirm your attendance.
Every week on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday