Our old meetup place closed :( and our Saturday Stammtisch is homeless. We will bounce around every week at different locations until we find a permanent Stammtisch location. This Saturday we will be at Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery in Englewood. Look for us in one of the side rooms or on the patio. Ask for the German group.
Our "Saturday" Frühschoppen Stammtisch is every Saturday, 11:15 am - 2 pm, or stay until you have heard enough philosophical bunk, drivel, gibberish, and guff. Come and improve your German speaking skills, speak German (or Englisch), tell some funny stories, hear some funny stories, solve the world's problems in less than 2 hours-LOL! We are a friendly bunch. Come in and look for us in the back room. And bring a friend along!
Wir sehen uns!