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What we’re about

Hi, my name is Michael, and I started this group to bring together like-minded door-to-door sales reps who want to pick up some new skills, shake off the nerves, and maybe even hit the streets together.

Door-to-door sales can be a lonely gig sometimes, so why not meet up with people who get it? We’re all about sharing stories, learning from each other, and figuring out how to make the most money possible. Whether you’re just starting out or have been doing this for years, everyone’s got something to bring to the table.

We’ll have casual meetups to chat about our experiences, swap tips and tricks, and maybe even team up to go door-to-door and learn on the fly. It’s all about helping each other out and making the job a little more fun and a lot more rewarding.

So, if you’re looking for a chill group where you can improve your game and meet some cool people along the way, come join us!