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Eagle Medicine Weekend Retreat

Photo of Cyndy Paige&Rhythm of the Earth
Hosted By
Cyndy Paige&Rhythm of the E.
Eagle Medicine Weekend Retreat


What wants to emerge in your life? Is there space for it?

New Beginnings, Seeing our Path clearly, Choosing Wisely, Tending to our Inner Light so that we can Care for ourselves & Share with others - these are among the practices of Golden Eagle and the season of Spring.

Join us as we make way with journey, dance, drum, song, and ceremony.

If you're considering a longer-term committed level of practice, this retreat is an entryway into the 1-year study of the Medicine Wheel of Life.

We meet at the Landenberg Loft in Landenberg, Pennsylvania on
Saturday, March 22 at 10am - 6pm EDT &
Sunday, March 23 at 10am - 5pm EDT
Please bring your lunch each day.

The energy exchange is $300.00, with a small fee added:

To register, email [email protected], or call/text 610-563-3918.

Overnight accommodations are not included.

Looking forward to gathering together to welcome the Spring into our Lives!

Photo of Drum, Journey and Sound Healing Circles - North Carolina group
Drum, Journey and Sound Healing Circles - North Carolina
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