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Drumming & Dancing @ Gather Farm

Hosted By


Hello Friends,

Here is the info for our next event:

Drumming & Dancing @ Gather Farm

Hosted by: Jim Tull, Brenna Corrigan & Rebecca Foster

What: Drum circle with free-form dancing. Feel free to drum and/or dance as the spirit moves you. Vocal improvisation and flow arts are also welcomed (and encouraged)!

When: Saturday, September 28th from 7:30 PM to 9 PM

Where: Gather Farm, 380 Greenville Ave, Johnston, RI

How much: 5 bucks at the door. (More if you have it, less if you don’t.)

Who: All are welcome!

Bring: Drums/percussion/other instruments if you have some (if you don't, fear not... we have a bunch). Whatever drumming and/or dancing experience you might have - none works great! Flow toys welcome. There will be some chairs available, but if you want to make sure you'll have a chair, feel free to BYO!

Dress/shoes: We will be drumming & dancing on the clover in "Rosemary Fig" (the farm's education and wellness high tunnel). The tunnel protects us from rain and wind, but please dress in outdoor appropriate clothing and with the possible presence of mosquitoes, etc. Shoes are optional - the clover offers relatively flat terrain, but it does have the occasional pebble or twig.

We hope to drum & dance with you on the 28th!

Photo of Drumming and Dancing group
Drumming and Dancing
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Gather Farm
380 Greenville Ave · Johnston, RI
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