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What we’re about

Free to join, new drum circle forming. Come be a part of it! My name is Lucian and I want to welcome you to a new drum circle forming in the Boston area. This activity is FREE to join, so bring your favorite percussion instruments and jam with us. The easiest way to start is with djembes and other hand drums. I will also have some shakers available. We will begin by meeting for about 2 hours (2 - 4 pm) on Saturdays in Torbert Macdonald Park in Medford, MA. This is in the Mystic River State Reservation. My thought is to meet by the "musical fence"; this is a location that is ripe for music-making. I don't yet have any extra drums for people to play on, but if you give me a little bit of notice, I could probably procure some. The goal of the group is to get some like-minded people together, maybe make some friends, and create some fantastic percussion music. Come as you are, bring a drum if you can; bring a chair and some water; wear sunblock. Let's jam!

A note about me: I have a degree in music education and I have studied many instruments. I love hand drumming, especially the djembe, and I have many ideas for drum beats that will be accessible for beginners and still exciting enough for the experts. I am available to teach the basics if you are new to drumming, but I am equally happy if you bring your own ideas and expertise. Let's make some music!