Crest Connect Toastmasters - Our Focus is ion Your Personal Development
Crest connect Toastmasters club currently meets on-line on two Tuesday evenings a month and one Saturday morning. We learn together to achieve excellence in communication in all situations. Whatever your particular need, whether it"s to overcome nervousness, improve your presentations, develop skills in persuasive speaking and salesmanship, motivational speaking, entertaining speaking, communicating in formal and informal social situations, or all of these, we aim to help you achieve your particular goals, using proven Toastmasters peer learning methods. Our meetings are held in the evenings on the first and third Tuesday of the month between 18:00 and 19:30. We also hold a hybrid event in venue to present in person and enjoy breakfast. Members who are not in Durban attend online. Contact Harry 083 784 2618 or Joanne on 082 617 9536
Every 4th Tuesday of the month
Crest Connect Toastmasters - Our Focus is ion Your Personal Development