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Chicken-keeping 101 - free workshop

Hosted By
Nyima W.


Want to know more about chicken-keeping? Want to start your own flock? If the answer is "yes," RSVP for this introductory workshop.

You'll get the information and resources you need to start raising an urban, suburban, or rural flock. Plus you'll get to meet some lovely backyard hens!

This workshop is provided free of charge, but donations to cover costs are welcome.

Space is limited. Please RSVP if you plan to attend.

Note: this workshop takes place outside and amongst chickens. Please dress appropriately.

Photo of EAC Nova Scotia Chicken Meetup group
EAC Nova Scotia Chicken Meetup
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Every 3rd Saturday of the month

John "Nyima" Wimberly's back yard
2494 Creighton Street · Halifax, ns
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12 spots left