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First Autumnal Breathwork Gathering

Photo of Joseph
Hosted By
First Autumnal Breathwork Gathering


Join us for our next breathwork gathering! We'll be gathering at my home in San Leandro.

With the days getting shorter we're moving up the start time for this gathering. Please plan to arrive around 7:00, the breathwork will start at 7:30. I will guide first timers and experienced alike in a more relaxing, yet energizing breathing session.

This breathwork is similar to Wim Hof breathing except it is a bit more gentle and we layer in music. Typical benefits include feeling peaceful, reduction in stress, increased centered-ness and healing/release. Some people even see visuals.

I will provide chairs but if you prefer to lie down please bring your own cushion/pillow/yoga mat/blanket to sit/lay on. Please consider not wearing any strong perfumes. Please also dress warmly as it will be a cool evening. We'll have a roaring fire going to add warmth.

We will begin with some simple training and relaxation techniques, then go through a ~30 minute breathwork session and wrap up with a time of sharing. Snacks will be provided!

It is recommended (but not required) that you not eat a large meal after 5:00 pm that day to allow your stomach to be empty when we start the breathwork.

Peace be with you all!

Photo of East Bay Breathwork group
East Bay Breathwork
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250 Garcia Ave · San Leandro, CA
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