TAC OS - LVL 3 - 8: Heroes or Bandits 2 W/ DM Andrew C [awcoleman]
Title: Heroes or Bandits 1
Level: 3-8
Discord: awcoleman
Summary: In the aftermath of Khulluhk's defeat, crime flourishes in some parts of Primordia. Will your band be heroes and help rebuild, or take advantage of the chaos and make some easy coin?
Notes/Special Requirements (if any): Primordia adventure, normal build rules apply.
Tabletop Adventuring Club (TAC), LLC is a group of Dungeon Masters running a 5e Dungeons & Dragons MMTTRPG at Off the Shelf Games (OTS). OTS has an $8 entrance fee for anyone who is not a member.
If you are running late, please contact your event host/DM to let them know. Thank you! Arrivals later than 15 minutes without communication may result in your seat being given to a member on the waitlist.
TAC OS - LVL 3 - 8: Heroes or Bandits 2 W/ DM Andrew C [awcoleman]