People's Forest, Barkhamsted, CT
This is a challenging hike not appropriate for inexperienced or out of shape hikers; the elevation gain is about 1000 ft, (not all at once) with some steep sections. We will hike the blue, blue/yellow, and blue/orange trails, in that order. (See map above). The total distance is 7 miles, time is about 4 hours.
As one of the premier state parks in CT, People's Forest offers waterfalls, two spectacular views of the Farmington River from 400' above it, anomalous glacial boulders, and one of the largest stands of large white pines in Connecticut, many of which approach 150' in height with multiple trunks.
You must be able to maintain a pace of 2 to 2.5 mph
Please wear appropriate footwear (i.e. hiking boots) and clothing, hiking poles, snacks, and at least one quart of water per person.
Rain cancels.
Outdoor activities have many risks, and participating Hikers assume all of them. Neither the Organizers nor any other Hiker can guarantee your safety. This hike and group is not professionally guided or supported in any way. This meetup is a collaboration among participants. Be prepared! You are responsible for your own safety and by attending this meetup you are explicitly waiving any and all claims for damages for any injury or illness that you may incur, or claim to incur, on this hike.
People's Forest, Barkhamsted, CT