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What we’re about

Welcome, We host a wide variety of hikes, backpacking trips, peakbagging and kayak trips during the week, over the whole of Eastern Tennessee/Kentucky/Virginia, and North Carolina. There are just a couple of simple guidelines that we follow on our hikes. 1. Hike Your Own Hike/Paddle your own paddle. We don't expect you to be either as fast or as slow as everyone else. 2. At trail/Road junctions we wait for the last person to catch up- then leave. We do not take a lot of breaks, and when we do it is not for long periods unless it is an extended hike of 10+ miles. We leave on time unless everyone that has signed up is present when the organizer gets there, then we leave. If you are interested in a particular hike, peakbag, backpacking trip or kayak event- let us know and we can facilitate the posting of those for you if you’re not able to.
Always remember YOU are responsible for yourself, be prepared, and make sure that you are well enough to engage in the activity you signed up for, in changing weather conditions.
If it is raining/snowing in Morristown within 24 hours of the hike it maybe canceled.
General Schedule
Monday- Nat Geo hike
Tuesdays- Tagging Peaks
Wednesday- Waterfalls
Thursday- All Trails hike- Not Completed
Friday- An Alltrails hike-
Saturday- Bays Mountain or Panther Creek
Kayak and other events as scheduled.