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What we’re about

Eat, Drink, Travel ….Repeat is a travel group for people of all ages, budgets, and experiences, who have a passion for travel. Eat, Drink, Travel….Repeat will promote an atmosphere of learning, where sharing of past travel stories and learned knowledge inspires us to plan for new adventures and future travel destinations locally and internationally – be those trips be solo or with new friends.

The leaders of this group are experienced travelers who have come together with the goal of sharing their combined experiences, insights and information to help others. We will be looking to add organizers with different styles of travel so their wisdom and expertise can be added to the group.
The plan, to start, is to meet once a month in various locations around the lower mainland to accommodate members in different locations and to have one fun activity or getaway a month. \

Our Meetups will be held in a pub or restaurant in a relaxed, informal setting where we can eat, drink and talk all-things-travel. Due to covid we may hold meetups outside to maintain social distancing and health to everyone involved . If popular with the members we may continue to schedule this once covid has passed.

Get out to explore and travel
Be part of a supportive travel community
Meet new friends and future travel buddies
Acquire skills and knowledge to help everyone travel more confidently and frequently
Help others by sharing your travel experiences and advice
Most importantly, have fun
Click to join our facebook group. We have members from all over where we share travels new , knowledge and look for travel partners \

The group will have 5 types of events:
MEETUPS: These events are when we meet in person throughout lower mainland to socialize and talk travel. We encourage everyone to share their past travel stories, tips, advice and to ask questions about destinations or upcoming trips.
Everyone is responsible for their own event, food and admission costs.
ACTIVITY DAY: We plan an event to explore the city and its surroundings. This might include museums, galleries, special events or exhibitions, bowling, movies or beer crawls. Due to covid the group will also schedule some city walks and local hikes so we can still meet up and be safe. If popular we will keep scheduling these. The idea behind these planned activities is to meet up to have fun and to get to know one another.
Everyone is responsible for their own event, food and admission costs. \

The organizers of Eat, Drink, Travel....Repeat are not liable for anything bad that happens to you, mentally or physically during your participation of the event \

GETAWAYS: Getaways are overnight trips to get out of the city and have fun with like-minded people. 
Sharing accommodations and carpooling does keep costs down and we can help organize with these. Accommodations and carpooling may have to be paid in advance on some trips , refunds will not be given but we will do our best to find a replacements and they will pay you directly. The members that go on these will decide for themselves if they want to share rooms and/or carpool or book and drive themselves. Past weekend getaways in 2019 have been Manning park , Port Alberni and Skagit Casino.
Everyone is responsible for their own event, food, admission and trip costs. \

The organizers of Eat, Drink, Travel....Repeat are not liable for anything bad that happens to you, mentally or physically during your participation of the event. \

When you sign up for a group trip , you must prepare to provide your email address and phone number (WhatsApp) for trip planning. The email address must be one that your check email regularly. \

GROUP TRIPS: Our group trips are arranged by a Leader who extends invitations to members of Eat, Drink, Travel….Repeat. Any interested members are welcome to join for all or part of the Leader’s trip. The Leader will post their flight and accommodation plans. You will arrange your own transportation and it will be up to you to book the same accommodation or a place of your choice nearby. The Leader will do their best to help you plan and answer any questions but you should do your own research on the location. The Leader will try to have one activity planned per day that others can join if they wish. You are free to do something on your own or with someone else from the trip. The best part is the evening meal that everyone is allowed to attend or decline as it suits their choosing. It’s a great time to get together to share experiences from the day, socialize, and plan for the next day. Past group trips in 2018 & 2019 have included Bangkok, Mexico City and Bali.
Everyone is responsible for their own events, accommodations, food, admission and trip costs. \

The organizers of Eat, Drink, Travel....Repeat are not liable for anything bad that happens to you, mentally or physically during your participation of the event. \

When you book your flight for a group trip , you should provide your email address and phone number (WhatsApp) for trip planning. \

We recommend that you get travel and medical insurance for these trips.
TOURS: Some destinations and activities, such as an African Safari, just aren’t practical for do-it-yourself. These tours are planned based on ideas and destination suggestions from the group, with the goal to make it happen in a way that will save money for everyone involved. Some of the leaders are experienced Travel Agents and thus, have access to a large inventory of options, deals, and information for the group.
Everyone is responsible for their own event, food, admission, trip and tour costs. The cost will be laid out and explicit when created. \

The organizers of Eat, Drink, Travel....Repeat are not liable for anything bad that happens to you, mentally or physically during your participation of the event \

We recommend that you get travel and medical insurance for these trips. \

Members are not allowed to self promote their social media , agenda or businesses in any areas or forums in this meetup group and our Facebook group . If they do break this rule they will be removed from the group. 
If you want to do future business , promote or work with the organizers of Eat, Drink, Travel....Repeat then reach out privately to us to see if it is a suitable arrangement can be worked out for all involved.
Mutual Expectation
*We are a group of volunteer organizers. Our goal is to bring people together for a wide variety of positive experiences at our favorite locations. \

Our organizers are not paid guides and should not be treated as such. We recommended that members follow our organizers directions but ultimately your safety is your own responsibility and all of your actions and inactions should be done with a degree of caution. \

Our organizers are only responsible for setting a date, time, place, and giving some details about the trip. Other responsibilities such as plans, timing, and pace can be set and guided by the organizer but are not to be followed blindly or without common sense. \

Please note : The organizers of Eat, Drink, Travel....Repeat are not liable if anything bad that happens to you, mentally or physically during your participation of the event. Once you get selected to participate an event, it means you accept this disclaimer.
We are not here to push or sell tours. When our Meetups have tours on the agenda it is because there has been interest generated by the membership in past Meetups. Cost and booking details will always be very transparent. There will be no spam emails, posting or trying to sell you anything at the Meetups. In the same way, we have a contingent expectation that members pay their own way when we get together. As noted above, but it bears repeating here, costs at any of our 5 types of events are covered by the individual members themselves and solely.

A Little about ourselves

My name is Troy Knight and I am a travel agent with a passion for exploring the world. My journey began in 2014, when I took my first backpack trip, a five-week journey through the UK. That trip sparked a love for travel that has continued to grow ever since.
In 2016, I joined Impulsive Tourists, a group of travel enthusiasts, and met some great friends. That same year, I realized that I wasn't fulfilled in my current life and decided to make a change. I sold my business and most of my possessions, with the goal of finding myself and continuing to travel the world.
Over the years, I have traveled to 30 countries, mostly solo, and have gained a wealth of knowledge and experience. I travel to experience new cultures, food and beer, while also visiting museums, art galleries and side streets. I am not a budget traveler, as I prefer to spend money on admissions, experiences and sporting events, as I don't want to miss anything in case I can't return.
In 2019, one of our Impulsive Tourists members convinced me to become a travel agent, as I have a passion for travel and enjoy sharing my knowledge and experiences to help others plan their trips. I specialize in group trips, such as safaris, Machu Picchu, cruises, and trips to China and India, and can help you save money on your vacation.
If you're looking for tours, river or ocean cruises, all-inclusive resorts, or any other vacation of your dreams, please don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to help you plan the trip of a lifetime.

[email protected] (preferred)
phone 604.328.3706
whatsapp 604.328.2706 when I am travelling

Link to my social media accounts, upcoming trips that i am leading and affiliate links to help pay for meetup

Gloria Jackson
My name is Gloria and I am a senior, solo, backpacker. I am a “budget” traveller by choice. I love the challenge of getting the best bang for my buck. I am fortunate to have lived in Indonesia, Austria, Israel, Tanzania, and the Bahamas. Travelling with a partner, and solo, I have visited more than 150 countries. I have always stayed in hostels when I can. Now, as a concession to my age, I get a private room with private bath - and I can still enjoy the social aspects available. I am an author, travel writer and I teach “How to Travel” classes at night schools etc. My website is:

Upcoming events (4+)

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