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What we’re about


My name is Shannon Bruckbauer and I’m a licensed psychotherapist and recovered orthorexic and binge eater.

I’m starting a FREE support group both online and in person for anyone struggling with an eating disorder and feels out of alignment with their true self.

My intention with this group is to lead you back home to the LOVE that you are and help you create the life you actually want to be living. I am an embodied example of what it looks like to live in one’s TRUTH. I went from anorexic, orthorexic, over-exercising, binge-eating, in unhealthy toxic relationships, having no direction in life, and working jobs I hated to…
being completely recovered from my eating disorder, becoming a psychotherapist, marrying the man of my dreams, having a heathy daughter, and living in my souls purpose.

This group is for people who are struggling to find their way and are using their eating disorder as a way to cope with their pain.

In this group you will learn to love yourself again, develop trust in yourself, find your real purpose in life, and remember why the heaven you were born, and much much more.

I’ve been running groups as a licensed psychotherapist for 3 years along with doing 1:1 individual therapy and this is my FREE group therapy offer to all my eating disorder warriors out there that are ready to take their live back and TRULY LOVE THEMSELVES again.

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