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Moving Past the Past: Breaking free from karma and reincarnation by ECKANKAR

Network event
12 attendees from 9 groups hosting
Photo of Oregon Satsang Society
Hosted By
Oregon Satsang S.
Moving Past the Past: Breaking free from karma and reincarnation by ECKANKAR


All are welcome!

The law of life known as the Law of Karma is the great teacher. Through cause and effect, we learn by how we treat others and ourselves. It’s not a vindictive law; it’s a law designed to open the heart to love and understanding. With the spiritual exercises of
ECK, we learn how to master life’s challenges with love instead of power. This is how we break free from karma and reincarnation.

An ECKANKAR discussion creates a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, often filled with humor. We sing a sacred word, HU, to set the tone, then share inspiring personal stories about everyday spirituality. All are welcome to attend.

“Karma isn’t everything. Neither time nor deeds can measure what love will do. Love is always the trump card. Love determines a lot of things, and it is more powerful than karma."
--Harold Klemp, The Road to Spiritual Freedom, Pg 308.

This discussion is sponsored by ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom. It will be held via Zoom videoconferencing with a phone-only option. It requires your RSVP (See Zoom access code on the page bottom right after RSVPing). Alternatively, please
respond to [email protected] to receive access to the meeting via assigned meeting ID.

For more information about ECKANKAR in Oregon please
visit or

Photo of Salem, OR  - ECKANKAR Spiritual Experiences Group group
Salem, OR - ECKANKAR Spiritual Experiences Group
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