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Loving as God Loves: A Secret to Spiritual Living sponsored by ECKANKAR

Network event
10 attendees from 9 groups hosting
Photo of Oregon Satsang Society
Hosted By
Oregon Satsang S.
Loving as God Loves: A Secret to Spiritual Living sponsored by ECKANKAR


“Before becoming the MAHANTA, the Living ECK Master, Sri Harold. Klemp had a profound experience in a high, golden world of SUGMAD . This fragment of a poem came through as a blessing:
Heart of my Heart,
Soul of my Soul,
This is the Golden Moment.
O Ancient of Days,
How can I but Love Thee ?"
Sri Harold Klemp, ECKOPEDIA The ECKANKAR Lexicon, page 285

You are warmly invited to the ECK Light and Sound Service "Loving As God Loves: A Secret to Spiritual Living":

When: Sunday, December 8th
11am until 12:15pm

Where: Portland ECKANKAR Center
7904 SE Milwaukie Avenue
Portland, OR 97202-6703

For more information on ECKANKAR, The Path of Spiritual Freedom and learn about singing HU (a love song to God), please visit and

Photo of Salem, OR  - ECKANKAR Spiritual Experiences Group group
Salem, OR - ECKANKAR Spiritual Experiences Group
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Portland ECK Center
7904 SE Milwaukie Avenue · Portland, OR
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