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What we’re about

Ecstatic Dance is a conscious movement practice that invites people to drop out of their minds and into their bodies to unwind and open to inner wisdom. Dance, Music and Cacao Medicine are the center point of these ceremonies catalyzing ecstatic states, where conscious mind limitations dissolve, opening the doors to the vast subconscious intelligence. It is an opportunity to connect deeply with self and others in fun ways words cannot express. A gracious experience to meet yourself as you are and open a space where you can see beyond who you think you are... It’s about you, freedom, joy and honesty.

This journey will offer a space to develop self-awareness, be moved by deep emotions, expand your intuitive awareness and align your actions with your intentions.

Our Story:

The first Ecstatic Dance Brisbane event happened at the begging of the 2013 Summer in Northey St. Market, on the Cafe deck.
We started by offering free outdoor dance events, to share with the community the practice that changed our lives.

For the first few times, Monica and I were the only ones dancing, while people curiously watched and enjoyed the music.
The first ones that joined us were the kids that were playing nearby doing arts and crafts with Bob - the wonderful teacher who offers his time every Sunday for decades, enriching the lives of hundreds of kids every year.

The kids then began to drag their parents to join in and slowly the Cafe Deck was full of adults and kids dancing.
After almost a year, Northey St Market was temporary closed due to a Council concern, interrupting our events for a while.
From 2014 we started to hire venues and continue what we started on the beautiful Cafe deck under the mango trees.

Upcoming events (4+)

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