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Are You a Forest Rebel?

Photo of Sonja
Hosted By
Sonja and Christopher
Are You a Forest Rebel?


For our first meeting, we’ll look at selections from Ernst Jünger's 1951 text, The Forest Passage, reflecting upon how it may lead us forward in the ‘Forest Way’ Meetup group.

Here’s a blurb about the text from its description on Amazon:

“Ernst Jünger's The Forest Passage explores the possibility of resistance: how the independent thinker can withstand and oppose the power of the omnipresent state. No matter how extensive the technologies of surveillance become, the forest can shelter the rebel, and the rebel can strike back against tyranny. Jünger's manifesto is a defense of freedom against the pressure to conform to political manipulation and artificial consensus. A response to the European experience under Nazism, Fascism, and Communism, The Forest Passage has lessons equally relevant for today, wherever an imposed uniformity threatens to stifle liberty.”

The complete text can be found on Internet Archive (, although we’ll focus our conversation upon the excerpts in the linked PDF:

We’ll supplement our discussion with lessons gleaned from an historical figure whom Jünger mentions in his text: the Swiss folk hero, William Tell, whose story we’ll revisit through an illustrated children’s version of the tale:

Whether or not you’re familiar with Jünger's works or agree with his findings, you’ll be most welcome to attend.

Please join us!

Christopher and Sonja

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