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Big Gaming Day and Charity Fundraiser @ The Grassmarket Centre

Photo of MrAndy
Hosted By
MrAndy and 3 others
Big Gaming Day and Charity Fundraiser @ The Grassmarket Centre


SUITABILITY: EVERYONE! New to the Hobby and Regulars Welcome!
VENUE: Large Community Hall plus Café Area & Side Rooms.
FOOD/DRINK: Café: Breakfasts, Sandwiches/Toasties, Tea/Coffee, Cake etc.
GAMES: Library + BYO.

We're back with our good friends at the Grassmarket Community Project (GMCP) for another big full day of gaming and fundraising!

Loads of games, loads of space, loads of fun!

And loads more time!

For anyone who doesn’t know GMCP are actually an incredible charity that do a lot of local homeless people and vulnerable adults. They're a genuinely worthy cause that I would recommend even without the games days. Check out their activities here (

GMCP are hosting us for free so please don’t bring your own food or drink. Be encouraged to buy their lovely cakes, coffee, and lunches to make sure it works for them too.

These events are perfect for newcomers and casuals to just drop in and out. With games starting and ending throughout the day, its unusual to need to wait more than 10-15 mins for a game. You can also use the comments below to arrange specific games and times.


* Bring and Buy Table (10% of sale donated to GMCP). CLICK HERE for Guidance.

* Blood on the Clocktower Time(s) tbc, but likely 12 and 3pm!,

* Klask Tournament (TBC), and

* probably a lot of other stuff. Got something you`d like advertising here. Let us know!

Finally we`ll have a few ways to donate to GMCP on the day.

Suggested donation is £5.

This is entirely voluntary and comes with absolutely no pressure or obligation. We would rather you spend cash in the café if you are deciding between the two, or not at all if money is tight. Just joining in and adding to the atmosphere is plenty.

I'M NEW AND UNSURE WHAT TO DO! Dont worry at all! We know it can be daunting for newcomers and do what we can to keep it easy. The truth is we have a fantastic base of regulars who have all been new at some point. You`ll find people are very friendly and the organisers even actively keep an eye open to make sure you get a warm welcome. If we've missed you, just ask one of the tables. What to Expect: The day is very informal. Some people will have pre-planned a longer game (feel free to use the comments), but the vast majority will honesty just form tables with whoever is free using the big pile of games we keep on site. It’s a great way to meet new people. Finally - No you dont need to know the games before you arrive. That would be an impressive feat in its own right, but in general tables pick games that someone can teach.

HANG ON, I THOUGHT THESE USED TO START AT 10:30? Yep, but the venue have staff on from 9. We need a little time to set up, but they are happy for people to arrive from 10. There's a chance some smaller rooms might not be set up right at the start, but the main hall should be.

Photo of Edinburgh Board Gamers group
Edinburgh Board Gamers
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200 spots left