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Gay Men's Book Group - November 2024 - Last Dance at the Discotheque for Deviant

Photo of John Galilee
Hosted By
John G.
Gay Men's Book Group - November 2024 - Last Dance at the Discotheque for Deviant


Our November 2024 book choice is the debut novel by Paul David Gould ‘Last Dance at the Discotheque for Deviants’ . It has been described as “..a wonderful post-Soviet page-turner…[that] powerfully evokes the fear and brittle hope of queer lives lived on the streets of Yeltsin’s Russia.”

We will be discussing this book in person on Wednesday 27th November 2024 at 7pm at The Outhouse, 12A Broughton St Lane, Edinburgh EH1 3LY. Hope that you can join us!

The Edinburgh Gay Men's Book Group is open to all gay, bi, trans men and queer identifying men, and is one of the LGBT Health and Wellbeing Centre's Community Groups. We advertise our meetings using a number of different platforms so there will be more people attending this meeting than have signed up on Meetup!

The main meeting will start at 7pm but a few of us will be in The Outhouse from 6.30pm for pre meeting drinks.

We do suggest that everyone reads all or part of the book to get the most out of meetings. For further information about joining this meeting please message on here or email [email protected]. New members to the group are always welcome.

Details of our future and past book choices are available on our website, plus further information on the group:
At the main Book Group meeting we discuss the book for usually an hour, and then have more of a social chat afterwards.

Photo of Edinburgh Gay Men’s Book Group group
Edinburgh Gay Men’s Book Group
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The Outhouse
12A Broughton Street Lane · Edinburgh
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12 spots left