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The Friendship Bench

Photo of Mimmi
Hosted By
The Friendship Bench


The Friendship Bench
I will be sitting on a “Friendship Bench” every Saturday morning 10am-11am ( except in really bad weather or when I’m out of town) and welcome anyone to come and sit down beside me and talk or sit together in silence. You are welcome to come and talk about whatever you want. Do you feel lonely? Do you have financial problems? Do you feel shame about something? Can’t decide whether you want lasagne or rice for dinner tonight? Nothing is too small or too big, the important thing is that we talk to fellow humans. This is not therapy or a coaching season, but just a normal human being talking to a fellow human being. I will keep our conversations confidential, but that the only professional aspect of this all. And yes, you don’t need to be super lonely to come and sit down for a chat, we ALL need to talk to strangers sometimes.
“Humans are inherently social animals, who are made happier and healthier when connected to others. Feeling isolated and lonely, in contrast, is a stress factor that poses a health risk comparable to smoking and obesity.” (BBC: The Surprising Benefits of Talking to Strangers.)
Where: Edinburgh, (Scotland) Inverleath Park. On the wooden bench above the pond overlooking the city. You’ll find me there knitting or reading a book ( mostly with my dog). Just say hello and sit down, just as you are and we just chat for a while. #EdinburghLife#friendship-bench#mentalhealth#community#greassroot initiative

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be outdoor
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of Edinburgh Personal Development Meetup Group group
Edinburgh Personal Development Meetup Group
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Every week on Saturday

19C Inverleith Row · Edinburgh
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