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What we’re about

We are a popular and well-established walking group based in Edinburgh, Scotland. We offer walks, for groups of up to twenty people, which mostly:

• are accessible by public transport, normally by bus rides of no more than an hour from the centre of Edinburgh

• start after 10 a.m. or later

• are dog-friendly

• end in a pub or café

The group is non-competitive, with the emphasis being on visiting beautiful and interesting places, at a pace with which everybody is comfortable, and meeting people and making friends.

Our walks range from gentle seaside strolls of two or three miles to fairly strenuous ten-mile walks in the Pentland Hills, with everything in between. Most walks include a picnic break around halfway. In addition, we sometimes arrange social events, such as cinema or pub evenings, and Christmas or summer parties.

The group is totally non-commercial, but occasionally seeks to raise small amounts of money from members purely to cover the cost of using the web site.

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure you come suitably prepared for your walk. This is especially true on hillwalks, where you must have proper walking boots, and clothing suitable for the changeable Scottish weather. In addition, you should bring food and water, and possibly a hot drink.

Members come on walks at their own risk. The group has no liability insurance, so members must make their own decisions about whether to go on a walk. The organiser can advise about the terrain, but cannot be held responsible in the event of any mishap.

Dogs are very welcome, unless the details of a specific walk specify otherwise, but we rely on members to keep their dogs under appropriate control. This is especially true in the hills where there may be sheep and lambs.

Because many of our events are oversubscribed and have waiting lists, we ask that if you sign up for an event, you do in fact attend it. If you have to change your mind for any reason, please don’t forget to change your status to ‘not going’ on the event’s web page. If you are unable to make an event at the last minute, for whatever reason, please contact the organiser of the event as soon as possible.

Please read our list of frequently asked questions.

Although the group is informal, its sheer size has necessitated the creation of a constitution. You can find it under the ‘More’ menu, if you go to ‘Files’. By joining the group you are understood to have accepted the constitution, so please take the time to read the one-page document.

We hope to see you soon!