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What we’re about

The purpose of the group is to be Professor X's Cerebro, and find them all.
Embedded (Linux, bare metal, OS internals, so called IoT, Industrial, Firmware, FPGA, Hardware, etc.) Engineers and practitioners should join the group, if they have interest in meeting, sharing and learning.

We aim to meet monthly. Some meetups are covert. For the public meetups, unless the hosts or the speakers refuse to do so, the videos, as well as addendum when the speaker chooses to do so (mostly Ron) are uploaded to (in particular to this playlist).

CFP for the next meetups (submit your talks here)

Relevant groups (member requests are audited):

Spread the word - the more the merrier (and the more meetups) #embededisrael
We are always happy to accept new members, new talks, new hosts and new sponsors.

See you!