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What we’re about

This is the Vancouver Chapter of the Group - Empowered Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses. Also known as Empowered Minds

This group is for ex-Jehovah's Witnesses who want to move past our shared challenges, disappointments, and hurts, toward a brand new fulfilling, happy and empowered life!

We are here to help ex-Jehovah's Witnesses create a new community that can help to replace the one that was lost. A place where people understand you as no one else can.

If you are EX-JW, PIMO, faded or inactive (and want to keep that status to keep your family etc), or if you are not or never have been a JW but are a close associate (friend, partner, family) of one that you are trying to support on their journey to freedom - you are welcome and SAFE here.

For those who are simply curious about JWs or want to learn stories about ex members -this group isn’t it. Please understand that leaving the JW’s can be extremely challenging, and as such many are often in a tender place and need their privacy protected. In an effort to keep this a safe space for all no matter where they are in their journey, we would kindly direct you to other resources

We are focused on staying positive and moving forward and encouraging each other to live their best lives

This is a judgment free zone! Whatever this next stage of life is for you, whatever you believe, - we’re here to support and champion you however you need ! 🤗

Our local chapter while still small is growing, and a lot of fun. We'd love for you to join us.

We meet on the second Saturday of each month, at a central restaurant or location that is easy to get to by transit or car, no matter where you live in the Lower Mainland and/or Fraser Valley.