Wicked the Movie
Misunderstood because of her green skin, a young Elphaba forges an unlikely but profound friendship with Glinda, a student with an unflinching desire for popularity. Following an encounter with the Wizard of Oz, their relationship soon reaches a crossroad as their lives begin to take very different paths.
Date: Friday, December 6
Time: 2:00 p.m. (movie is 2:40 minutes plus trailers)
Tickets/Cost: $13.99, $12.99 Sr. 60+ (plus online ticketing fee)
Choose the seat location that works best for you.
(I'm in row H seat 11)
Attire: feel free to glow in green or sparkle in pink.
* I have Concession Voucher and will pick up a large popcorn to share!
** I have a Regal Unlimited Subscription, it's $21.49 a month for unlimited movies anytime. Regal is currently offering a 3 month unlimited pass for a one time payment of $75. (Let me know if you need a code.)
Wicked the Movie