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What we’re about

This group is for people who love taking photographs and want to learn how to get it right in the camera. If you want to succeed we provide you with the assistance and guidance of  professional photographer , Anna-Mair Francis, who is an acclaimed landscape photographer having sold many images both in Australia and overseas. She is held in high regard by many of her present and former clients with some going on to win competitions and sell their own images.  She has been teaching photography for the many years and is always interactive and available to assist you throughout the Meetup or tour. 

Each meetup starts with a brief to explain the best settings for the theme. Anna-Mair will then be available to assist you with your camera and give you input on how to improve your shot. The aim is for the client to be able use the correct setting to achieve the results you will never get on auto.

Share an image on our Facebook page Capture the light Photographic Meetup Group or send an email of an image for Anna-Mair to critique as part of the cost. 

The meet ups are in a small group setting (Maximum of 12 per photographer but varying according to the meetup for example a beginners course would have a maximum of 6) with like minded people with the chance to socialise and debrief when possible after the event. We will often go to a nearby café where you can share your photographs.

We hold meetups in a variety of locations around Perth, both north and south of the river,  Perth Hills and further a field. All of our locations are carefully chosen to provide is with the optimum opportunities for the chosen theme. Our meetups vary from 2 hours to over night depending on the location and theme. It is a great opportunity for you to discover new locations with a different theme for each meet up.

In conjunction to this we offer tours from half a day to three weeks in Western Australia heading to places of photographic interest under the business name of Capture the Light photographic Tours which is a Quality Tourism Accredited Business ( see ) and a variety of tours overseas including Borneo and Bhutan.

All skill levels from beginner to advanced are welcome. Bring any make or model of camera but one with manual settings is preferable. For some meetups you will require a certain level of fitness for some locations as we will be walking short distances on uneven ground whereas others are suitable for all fitness levels. This will be clear in the meetup description.

If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. Anna-Mair works off the philosophy that there is no such thing as a silly question so don't be shy!

About Anna-Mair

I am a formally trained professional photographer having studied commercial and advertising photography in London UK.

I have been selling my images since my college days to clients around the world.

I have won many competitions, had my images published and held many exhibitions.

I have been teaching photography for 15 years with many of my clients going on to win competitions and sell images in their own right. 

As well as meetups I run a Tourism Quality Accredited Business under the name of Capture the Light Photographic Tours to many destinations around Western Australia and overseas.

Upcoming events (4+)

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