What we’re about
• Join our Discord server to connect with our vibrant community, chat and ask any questions you have.
Welcome to SwissRPG Romandie. We are a non-profit association with the mission to enable people to discover and play tabletop role playing games like Dungeons and Dragons.
Do you live closer to Zurich? Check out our Zürich group.
Do you live closer to Basel, Lucerne or Bern? Check out our Central group.
Do you live closer to Geneva, Lausanne, or other Romandie cities? Check out our Romandie group.
Finding players and scheduling RPG games is a little more complicated than just showing up for a game. We want to simplify this for as many Game Masters and players as possible.
Whether you're new to role playing games, a seasoned player, an experienced GM or curious to try, join our group, and get in touch with our vibrant community.
Our games are primarily in English, but we speak it as a second language, so do not worry about being fluent. We run introductory games for first timers, one shot adventures (a one evening only session), short and long runs which can run from a few sessions to many months.
• Support SwissRPG - Become a Champion
All our games and resources are provided to you free of charge by SwissRPG and made possible by the countless hours of work from our volunteers. If you find value in what we do, please consider supporting us by becoming a SwissRPG Champion.
• Call for GMs
We usually have more demand than supply so every supportive GM helps. If you're a GM and would like to participate, please let us know. We have lots of resources as the following:
- coaching and support for organising your game and finding your players.
- access to almost all official D&D books and adventures.
- access to pre-made adventures suited to your specific needs.
- access to free venues centrally located in Zürich which are perfect to run your games.
- support to new GMs who need assistance in getting started.
- our monthly GM roundtable discussion (The Masters' Table) where our GMs meet and share experiences and answer questions from aspiring GMs.
- access to workshops to grow your GMing skills.
- access to dice sets, GM screens, etc.
You've never been a GM, don't feel experienced enough, or you just don't feel ready? We can help too. We helped several new GMs, even some who never played RPGs before, get their feet wet with easy pre-made adventures to run, with beginner players to discover D&D with, and with the support of more experienced GMs. It's a lot of fun.
If you want to be a GM with us, please get in touch with one of our organisers.
• Check our Twitch streams and our Youtube videos.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Old Monarch Tales [Lausanne D&D 5e Campaign] Session 4Sion, Sion
So you just said, young adventurers, that you found this mysterious stone puzzle piece on the side of the road and brought it to me, the Old Historian ? Upon closer inspection, I think it's an incomplete treasure map from an ancient kingdom ! I wonder if these riches are still untouched by "archaeologists"...
Comments from GM:
Creation of a new DD5 “tri-” group in Valais (FR) || Création d’un nouveau « tri- » groupe DD5 en Valais
I am pleased to announce the creation of a new DD5 group (FR) with myself serving as GM (almost 15 years of experience).
We’ll kick things off with a short campaign, and then see where our adventures lead us…
Sessions are likely to be held on Wednesday or Thursday evenings (20h-22h) at my home in Sion (visitor parking spaces are available).
I’m in the process of preparing for session zero and I believe I can host a maximum of 6 people.
Newcomers are welcome !
The term “tri” indicates my willingness to make my table available for board games and/or wargames (FR/ENG), particularly during the weekends.
Please feel free to reach out to me on Discord !C’est avec un immense plaisir que j’annonce la création d’un nouveau groupe DD5, avec votre serviteur en tant que MJ (presque 15 ans d’expérience).
Nous commencerons par une courte campagne, puis nous verrons où cela nous mène…
Les séances se dérouleront probablement le mercredi ou jeudi soir (20h-22h), dans mon humble demeure en plein cœur de Sion (places visiteurs disponibles).
Je suis en train de préparer la session zéro et me réjouis de faire votre connaissance ! Je pense pouvoir accueillir jusqu’à 6 personnes max.
Débutants bienvenus !
Le « tri » représente le fait que j’ouvre volontiers ma table pour des jeux de société et/ou des wargames (FR/ENG), et cela plutôt le week-end.
N’hésitez pas à me contacter sur Discord !• Soutenez SwissRPG - Devenez un champion
Cet événement vous est proposé gratuitement par SwissRPG et rendu possible grâce aux innombrables heures de travail de nos bénévoles. Si vous trouvez de la valeur dans ce que nous faisons, pensez à nous soutenir en devenant un champion SwissRPG : https://swissrpg.ch/become-a-champion/• À quoi s'attendre (campagnes)
Ce jeu est une campagne D&D 5e destinée aux joueurs D&D débutants et expérimentés. Nous jouerons l'aventure sur plusieurs sessions jusqu'à sa conclusion. Dans la session 0, nous discuterons des personnages, du monde, du thème et de tout ce qui doit être discuté.• Création de personnage
La création des personnages sera gérée avant le jeu sur notre serveur Discord (https://discord.swissrpg.ch/ ). Veuillez lier vos profils Meetup et Discord pour accéder à la chaîne en vous rendant sur la chaîne #hyperion et en tapant « @hyperion link meetup ».• Rejoignez notre Discord
Afin de recevoir des informations du GM sur l'aventure, poser vos questions et rencontrer vos amis aventuriers, veuillez rejoindre notre serveur Discord (https://discord.swissrpg.ch/ ). Veuillez lier vos profils Meetup et Discord pour accéder à la chaîne en vous rendant sur la chaîne #hyperion et en tapant « @hyperion link meetup ».• Ce qu'il faut apporter
Crayons, dés (si vous n'en avez pas, d'autres peuvent vous en prêter). Collations et boissons au choix.Image courtesy of AnDary (https://www.deviantart.com/andary).
Image courtesy of Wizards of the Coast.
Image courtesy of LeonovichDmitriy(https://www.deviantart.com/leonovichdmitriy)[campaign 303935441]
Not open - Argent Syndrome [Vevey D&D 5e Mini campaign] Session 2simplon centre vevey, Vevey
You're a member of an aspiring mercenary band. Seeking wealth and renown you have undertaken a job from an infamous Caducean guild "Emerald Enclave". Tasked with taking a supply cart to a guild outpost in the north, territory controlled by one of the three ferocious werewolf clans. An abandoned fort “Dragovara” is waiting for your delivery in the mountains. You are to see alchemist Aelflaed Toujar who will reward you handsomely upon arrival. Road is lengthy and trouble is expected.
Comments from GM:
The game will be run in English.
The game will take 3 to 5 sessions on a monthly schedule, I would expect that the players joining the game would commit to this as much as possible.
Players are expected to bring pencil, eraser, dice and paper.• Support SwissRPG - Become a Champion
This event is provided to you free of charge by SwissRPG and made possible by the countless hours of work from our volunteers. If you find value in what we do, please consider supporting us by becoming a SwissRPG Champion: https://swissrpg.ch/become-a-champion/• What to expect
This game is a mini campaign intended for players with at least some experience. We will play the adventure over several sessions all the way to its conclusion. In session 0 we will discuss characters, world, theme and anything else that needs discussing.• Character Creation
Character creation will be handled prior to the game on our Discord server (https://discord.swissrpg.ch/ ). Please link your Meetup and Discord profiles to gain access to the channel by going to the #hyperion channel and type "@hyperion link meetup".• Join our Discord
In order to receive information from the GM on the adventure, ask your questions and meet your fellow adventuring friends, please join our Discord server (https://discord.swissrpg.ch/ ). Please link your Meetup and Discord profiles to gain access to the channel by going to the #hyperion channel and type "@hyperion link meetup".• What to bring
Pencils, dice (if you don't have any, others can lend you some). Snacks and drinks of choice.Image courtesy of AnDary (https://www.deviantart.com/andary).
Image courtesy of Wizards of the Coast.
Image courtesy of LeonovichDmitriy(https://www.deviantart.com/leonovichdmitriy)
[campaign 303802341]
Not open