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What we’re about

We are a group of people from around Melbourne who are interested in learning about and combining A.I / Machine Learning with robots or autonomous vehicles.
We meet to build ... so please always bring your laptop (which is a robot without wheels or legs) !

This group comes from diverse backgrounds representing interests in engineering, programming, computer vision, A.I, machine learning and robotics.  However, a key aim is to help newcomers of all ages get into these emerging technologies and just have some fun.

In 2024, the focus has shifted to using Machine Learning with (optional) robots. To provide a place for those who want to move beyond "listening to meetup presentations" ... to roll-up your sleeves, start coding and build ML systems that interact with the physical world.

Prior to 2024, one of our activities was building 1/16 scale self-driving cars that are capable of racing autonomously around a track. This was inspired by DIYRoboCars and aiming for competitive track days, like this ! Depending upon interest / demand ... we may run more of these workshops and track days in the future.

Upcoming events (3)

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