What we’re about
We are a group Amazon Web Services (AWS) enthusiasts sharing our experiences with the AWS platform. Whether you are considering AWS or are 'all in', you're welcome. We hope you learn something and make the most of the opportunities to network with AWS partners, customers, and Amazonians alike.
We are currently running to a monthly schedule and welcome contributions or suggestions for meetup events from the wider Perth tech community. Recordings from select sessions and other content is available from our YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@awsusergroup-perth
Between meetups we collaborate at awsusergroupperth.slack.com. If you have not yet joined the channel please do so via join.slack.com/t/awsusergroupperth/shared_invite/zt-12wric682-KB0TJ8kXOdy5WtAR0urxSw