What we’re about
What we’re about:
We are here to share Alcohol Free experiences, connect with like-minded others and have a lot of fun along the way.
Our activities include Art Galleries, Brunch, Lunch, Dinners, Comedy festivals, Meditation Sessions, Bush Walks, Coffee and Chin wags, Theatre and Live music and much more….
Fees: Some events will have a group fee to attend. Money raised will go towards the Meetup subscription fee and end of year group event. This fee is not refundable.
Some events are ticketed, with the tickets being bought in advance to ensure we get great seats. We will refund any event tickets in full when they are resold. Any ticket not resold by the day of the event will be given away so the spot is not wasted.
The group uses Paypal to collect funds. If you do not have a Paypal account you can still go through the Paypal checkout as a guest and use your credit card.
If you would rather pay by bank transfer to group account, please use the following link for banking details: Pay
Please update your attendance if you decide to not go to an event. That way someone else gets a chance to go. You can EDIT your attendance and move yourself to NOT GOING. If you have any problems, then contact the event host and they will do it for you. If you do not change your RSVP and do not contact the host BEFORE the event, you will be marked as a NO SHOW. Three NO SHOWS will have you removed from the group.
We have a requirement that your profile shows your first name and a head and shoulder portrait photo so we can recognize you at events. This is non negotiable.
Do not come to any of our events if you have been drinking. You will be asked to leave the event and removed from the group.
Do not drink alcohol at our events. You will be asked to leave and removed from the group.
Do not message people that you have not met. Any spammers will be removed from the group.
Do not bring guests who have been removed from this group. You will be removed from the group
Any obnoxious, disrespectful, or predatory behavior will get you removed from the group.
Don’t give out your personal contact details.
Please note: We are not formal support group nor do we offer therapy. Please seek professional help if needed. We are not affiliated with any program, form of recovery or set of beliefs.