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What we’re about

“Chill Run Crew “ 
Travel the world together without a passport!🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Running through the city of Melbourne offers a chance to meet and become close friends with mates from all around the globe!

While running is our main event, the true excitement unfolds after the run. If you have the time and interest, you can join us for a drink at a bar or a coffee time at a café after running. It's a great opportunity to deepen friendships, exchange languages, and experience new cultures.

Our crew's name, "Chill," reflects the importance we place on enjoying our runs and having relaxed interactions.

Your level or speed doesn't matter! What matters is that we run and have fun together!

Why not enjoy a world journey through running and make new friends?

We are waiting for your participation in the next run!😉

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Chill run crew とは
Running × Language exchange




Upcoming events (4+)

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