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What we’re about

This group is about bringing together a group of confident sassy women of a similar age to hopefully form long lasting friendships. This group is targeted to women in their 30's and 40's who still enjoy an active social life and would like to make some fabulous new female friends. The group is best suited to those women who still lead fairly independent lifestyles and who want to get out, have fun and meet new people. I guess the best way to describe would be to say if you can somewhat relate to the girls in Sex in the City then this is the group for you.

A few guidelines:

Fees: We charge an annual fee of $10. This fee is not refundable. New members should try to attend an event within the 30-day free trial period to establish if the group is the right fit for you. If you wish to proceed in joining the group after the trial period, please direct message Bronwyn and she will provide bank details.

This is a women only group.

  • We are both straight and LGBTQIA+ friendly and welcome anyone who is female or identifies as being female
  • This group is only open to women in their 30's & 40's. We ask that all potential members please be respectful of the age range when joining. We're not checking IDs, but you need to be mindful of the fact that the women in the group are expecting to meet other women of a similar age. We kindly ask that if you are under 30 or over 50, you please refrain from trying to join Cougar Club. We reserve the right to remove members who are outside the age range.
  • Your profile name must accurately reflect your real name. No pseudonyms, initials or anonymity is permitted
  • Despite the name, Cougar Club is not a dating group whose purpose is to facilitate older women wanting to meet younger men for sex. It's just a regular social group for women only.
  • We ideally want members who are actually going to be active in attending meetups. All new members should aim to attend a meetup in the first 3 months of joining. If you have joined and have never attended one of our meetups or you have been inactive in Cougar Club for over 12 months, then you may be removed from the group.
  • Members of Cougar Club are expected to be socially confident and have good communication skills. You must be able to interact easily with other members and be capable of starting and holding conversations. If you tend to be overly sensitive or a wallflower and are shy, introverted and awkward in social situations then this is not the group for you. You may be removed from the group if this is the case.
  • We expect all members to be considerate and keep their RSVP's up to date at all times. Please check your calendars to make sure you are free before you RSVP Yes to an event and only RSVP Yes if you have every intention of actually attending. If you have RSVP'd to attend an event (or you are on the waitlist) and find that you can no longer make it, then please change your RSVP to No ASAP. This gives members on the waitlist adequate opportunity/notice to attend an event and also helps us manage bookings. Be warned: If you bail last minute, or you don't show up, you will lose your spot at other events you have rsvp’d to. Members who do No Show's, continually cancel at the last minute, mess us around or who are just on the whole difficult to deal with will be removed from the group without notice.
  • Most venues now require credit card booking guarantees. If you rsvp to an event and then cancel within the time frame specified in the event, and we can't fill your seat, you will be expected to pay the booking guarantee if it is charged by the venue.
  • We reserve the right to move waitlisted members into an event at our absolute discretion and in any order we see fit.
  • Once you sign up to attend your first event you should make sure notifications for the group are turned on. This is the best way to stay up to date on the event and be notified about any changes. You may be asked by an event host to confirm your attendance in the days before the event. If you do not confirm your attendance on time, you will be removed from the event without further notice.
  • Whilst we all have to make a living for ourselves, business/network marketers should refrain from soliciting new customers at our meetups. If it's deemed that a member has joined for the wrong reasons and their main intention of joining is to build their customer base, then that member will be removed.
  • For the safety of our members your meetup profile should clearly indicate that you are female, and your picture should clearly show your face. Profiles that do not meet these requirements may result in the member being removed from Cougar Club
  • We expect all members to be respectful of other members when attending meetups. Any highly offensive or inappropriate behaviour will result in the immediate removal and banning of the offending member.

We actively manage our membership list and reserve the right to add or remove members at our discretion. We are not obligated to provide notice or reason for member removal.

Disclaimer: Attendance and participation in Cougar Club events are deemed at your own risk and anyone attending or taking part in the event must use good judgment, obey all laws and take reasonable care to avoid any injury to their person or property.
Meetup, Cougar Club Meetup Group, its owners, organisers and event hosts are not responsible for any injury, loss, or damage of any kind sustained by any person while participating in the event. If you are engaging in the voluntary consumption of alcohol or drugs during our events, then you agree to do so responsibly. The parties above are not responsible or liable for any damages to either you or any third parties that result from the consumption of alcohol or drugs by you or others, to include, but not limited to, property damage, personal injury, death, disfigurement, or loss of consortium.
By participating in the event, you agree to release and forever discharge Meetup, Cougar Club Meetup Group, its owners, organisers and event hosts from all claims, demands, and causes of action which you, your heirs, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on your behalf or on behalf of your estate have or may have by reason of these activities.