Thanks for checking out this new meetup! My name is Kyle, and I am former learner and mentor at the Apple Developer Academy here in Detroit. I have a background in public health and tons of experience in the hospitality industry, but I caught the coding bug hard and I'm not willing to give it up! Creating an app involves a lot of research, design, coding and marketing -- tough stuff for one person to do all by themselves. I created this meetup to bring peeps together from diverse backgrounds, pull from each others strengths and eventually create and launch products that people will pay for. While this first meetup will involve a lot of getting to know each other, sharing our interests and what we've been working on, I envision this to be more of a coworking meetup than a listen-to-someone-present meetup. This week will be focused on forming teams around big ideas that everyone is interested in. In the future, I expect the first half-hour or so to revolve around sharing what you and your team has accomplished in the past week, and the rest of the time being devoted coworking. If you prefer to stay a solo developer, feel free to use this event as a means to keep yourself on track week-to-week. Thanks again for taking interest, I hope to see you at the Congregation!