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What we’re about

Want to play a game of pick up basketball on the weekend? If you're interested and live in Edinburgh, then get in touch.

We book and meet at indoors courts for a game of pick up basketball.

Once you've joined the group, you'll be added to our mail list. Feel free to ask questions and make change proposals there.

Group rules and regulations:
• Everyone is welcome to join, but it's best for all if you have basic understanding of the game and its rules. This a gender-neutral and age-neutral group. This is an adults group, but children are welcome to come with their guardians if they want to watch you play. ===UPDATE===> We will allow young persons over 16 to play with us, so long as their parent/legal guardian is present during the game. Please get in touch with the organiser for more information.===
• There is a fixed cost for each booking to make sure we have a game every week. We collect dues for the booking in advance, in order to make the booking/s in time. The preferred way of paying is the collctiv pot here: If the game doesn't happen you'll get a refund.

• In order to provide a quality game for everyone involved, there will be a limit in the number of people that can attend each event. For half-court bookings we'll have 2 teams of 4 people (8 total). With full-court bookings there are 2 scenarios. If we have a lot people that wish to play, we can have the same rules as with half-court but on both sides, ie. 16 people in total. If at some point enough people want to play a full-court game we can book specific events where only 10 people will be able to book attendance. The places are filled in a first come, first serve basis. If there is a cancellation you can claim the empty spot. If you cancel up to 1 day before the event you only get a refund if someone ends up covering your spot. 
• By collecting funds via Collctiv for the venue there might be a positive kitty develop. This will be used to buy some kit for the group, e.g. balls, pump, scrimmage bibs, etc. Beyond these any additional funds will be used for a court booking when it's sufficient. All money is to be spent for the good function of the group at the discretion of the organiser. 
• The mail list is only to be used for matters around organising the basketball games. If anyone starts posting irrelevant information you'll be asked to stick to the purpose of this group. Should anyone choose not to comply, I reserve the right to remove them from the list and the group.

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