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Meditation and Self- Development Group

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Meditation  and Self- Development Group


Learning to meditate together with self development exercises and sharing . How do you choose the meditation which is best for you? What does it mean to be in balance with one's meditation? Understanding the effects of the different ways of meditating.

Optional exercise.
When you outwardly correct illogical thoughts by others it’s important to do so only from the perspective of actually helping the situation or the other person and not just yourself otherwise negative results will ensue.
Recall situations how do you corrected illogical thoughts
a. Inwardly, including your feelings
b. Outwardly , including your feelings

Photo of Esoteric Science Meetup Group group
Esoteric Science Meetup Group
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Every week on Tuesday until December 27, 2024

Rudolf Steiner House
307 Sussex street · Sydney
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