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En Route toward a Cosmological Theology

Photo of David Miller
Hosted By
David M.
En Route toward a Cosmological Theology



Some of us are participating in SoFiA's online event.

Dr. Peter Stork will present the topic and lead the discussion.

This presentation urges the Christian community to take steps toward constructing a “cosmological theology.” I will present my thoughts in four parts, beginning with a big question mark: “Are we at home in the cosmos?”

This opening question draws attention to our conceptual, cultural, and spiritual disconnect between our created connectedness with the universe we inhabit and our tradition-bound, pre-scientific perceptions.

To emphasise cosmic homelessness, I present briefly in the second part a new birth narrative of the creation based on what we know today.

The third part introduces us to the most astounding cosmic phenomenon: the human creation's awakening to self-consciousness, altruism, and love.

The final part takes some initial steps toward developing a cosmic-theological frame for situating the pattern of Jesus's human life in the New Universe story. It emphasises the need for Christianity to engage seriously with the sciences' writing, and outlines some aims and limitations and underscores the urgency of addressing the disconnect between traditional Christian conceptions and the cosmos as it is.

Adopting the proposed path would lead to renewed collaborative awareness between the faith community and the scientific disciplines, a moral commitment to the creation we are part of, and a challenge to individuals and the church to abandon outdated views and embrace the 21st century.

The ZOOM link will appear on this page for those who RSVP.
Meeting ID: 872 2718 0021 - - Passcode: 237416

SoFiA promotes the open exploration of religion, spirituality and the search for meaning. They welcome ALL viewpoints, including Atheism.

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