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The Ancient "Heretical" Church of Marcion, 144 AD

Photo of David Miller
Hosted By
David M.
The Ancient "Heretical" Church of Marcion, 144 AD


EXISTENTIALIST MEETUP - Melbourne, Australia.

Our monthly online series on the History of Religion.
The presentations are followed by questions, comments and discussion.
All viewpoints welcome.

Early Religion: An Alternative History
What do the historians and archaeologists think of the veracity of religious legends? Legends are an amalgamation of history and mythology. But how much of each?

The Marcionites believed that a God of Love had got horrified by what the Biblical Creator God was doing to the humans (sending them to eternal torture in Hell), so the God of Love sent HIS son, Jesus Christ, to rescue the humans from their Creator.

David Miller will present the topic and lead the discussion.

Wikipedia on Marcion
YouTube: David Miller on the Church of Marcion (Soapbox Oratory).
The Gnostic Religion by Prof. Hans Jonas.

The Zoom Link will appear for those who RSVP.
Meeting ID: 864 3033 7368 - - Passcode: 866098

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