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Translating Research into Quality Healthcare

Photo of Greg J
Hosted By
Greg J. and Huyen N.
Translating Research into Quality Healthcare


Professor Maher Gandhi is Executive Director of Mater Research, and a pre-eminent senior staff haematologist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. He is soon to start as CEO of the Translational Research Institute, Brisbane
His role is to set strategy and create a clinical research program that influences future national and international health policy and practice through the full integration of Mater Research with clinical care. Whilst centred on Mater Research, the role also has close involvement with Mater Health, Mater Education and Mater Foundation.
A Specialist Haematologist for 16 years, Maher’s medical speciality training was completed in the UK in Cambridge and in Toronto Canada. He completed a PhD in Viral Immunology in Cambridge, came to Brisbane on a Fellowship in 2003, and has stayed in Brisbane supported by uninterrupted NHMRC and MRFF funding since 2005. Professor Gandhi’s research interests relate to the tumour microenvironment in lymphoma. He is passionate about promoting translational research and personalised medicine, implementing interdisciplinary research, innovative clinical trials, and forging stronger links between scientists and clinicians.

Photo of Gentle Thinkers: A Brisbane Meetup for Intellectual Dialogue group
Gentle Thinkers: A Brisbane Meetup for Intellectual Dialogue
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