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What we’re about

If your business could do with some more business then come along to our weekly meetings to find out how powerful having a referral network on your sales team can be. 

All visitors are welcome at any time BUT we only allow one person from each business category to JOIN to become a regular member of our group - the benefit of this is that when you're part of our power team, you're not competing with anyone else for your business. 

When you are a member, our team is on the job 7 days a week looking for referral opportunities for your business. 

Our philosophy is "givers gain" - so if you are finding business for us, in return, we will find business for you!

It's a simple concept made great by the awesome bunch of people in our team who meet every Tuesday morning. 

There is absolutely no obligation or pressure to join as we are always happy to connect with and talk to like-minded business people and to help you connect with your ideal referrals! 

Make sure you bring a stack of business cards (about 40 cards) with you! 

Our meetings run from 6:45am until 8:30am at a cost of $25 and strictly in accordance with COVID19 Safety Practices.

Upcoming events (4+)

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